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有趣经验2024-09-05 23:48:3660

Wintersong of Rainfall: Poetic Depictions of Winter Rain

Winter rain, a meteorological phenomenon characterized by the precipitation of water droplets in liquid form at temperatures below freezing point, has long captivated the imaginations of poets and writers. Its unique interplay of cold and wet elements evokes a multifaceted range of emotions and visual imagery, inspiring countless literary works.


Words Associated with Winter Rain

The vocabulary associated with winter rain is rich and evocative. Words that capture the essence of this season's precipitation include:

Drizzle: Fine, mist-like rain

Sleet: Rain mixed with snow or ice particles

Glaze: A thin layer of ice formed when rain freezes on surfaces

Flurry: A light, transient snowfall

Ice storm: A severe weather event characterized by freezing rain and accumulation of ice

Winter Rain in Literature

Winter rain has been the subject of numerous literary works, both ancient and modern. In the classical Roman poem "Odes," Horace writes of winter rain humbling the fierce tempest:

His furentem Dorico / Cembalo canunt et vinosa / Promptius epula, / Cum maestam et tenui carmine / Plectrum taedio percusit iners

(Translated:) They sing the tempest's wrath in Doric strains and swifter quaff the wine, / While over the sadden'd lyre the languid hand / Of the dull minstrel wanders in lazy tones

In the English Romantic era, Samuel Taylor Coleridge penned these haunting lines in his poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner":

Water, water, everywhere,

And all the boards did shrink;

Water, water, everywhere,

Nor any drop to drink

And in the 20th century, American writer Wallace Stevens captured the beauty of winter rain in his poem "Rain on a Winder Roof":

The house is empty but for a voice,

That speaks from room to room and weaves

A fatal thread through the house's heart

Until it fills the house with darkness.


Winter rain, with its unique combination of cold and wet elements, has provided a rich source of inspiration for poets and writers throughout history. The evocative language used to describe its various forms and effects creates a vivid tapestry of emotions and imagery, capturing the essence of this season's unique meteorological phenomenon.





