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有趣精选2024-09-08 11:45:5380

Whom and Who Usage Rules and Common Usage

Usage Rules

The distinction between whom and who primarily depends on its grammatical function within a sentence:


* **Whom:** Used as an object pronoun (direct or indirect object)

* **Who:** Used as a subject pronoun


* **Whom** did you invite to the party? (direct object)

* To **whom** should I address the letter? (indirect object)

* **Who** made this delicious dessert? (subject)

Position in Sentence

* **Whom** typically appears in subordinate clauses and formal contexts.

* **Who** is more common in main clauses and informal contexts.


* The person **who** called earlier is waiting outside. (main clause)

* The person with **whom** I spoke is my lawyer. (subordinate clause)

Relative Clauses

* **Who** introduces restrictive relative clauses, which define or identify the subject.

* **Whom** introduces nonrestrictive relative clauses, which provide additional information but are not essential for identifying the subject.


* The teacher, **who** helped me with my homework, was very patient. (restrictive)

* My friend, **whom** I haven't seen in years, is visiting next week. (nonrestrictive)

Common Usage

In everyday conversations, "who" is often used for both subject and object pronouns:

* **Who** did you meet yesterday? (object)

* I don't know **who** sent me this gift. (subject)

However, in formal writing or when precision is necessary, "whom" should be used as an object pronoun:

* The person **to whom** I spoke was helpful.

* The student **whom** the teacher praised was deserving.


There are a few exceptions to the general usage rules:

* **Preposition Stranding:** When a preposition separates who/whom from its verb, who is typically used regardless of its grammatical function.

* For **whom** did you buy the gift?

* To **who** should I address the invitation?

* **Embedded Questions:** When who/whom is used in an indirect question, who is generally used.

* I asked **who** was calling.

* Can you tell me **who** sent this package?

* **Archaic or Poetic Usage:** In older texts or poetic contexts, whom may be used more frequently for both subject and object pronouns.


Understanding the proper usage of who and whom can enhance your writing and improve its clarity and precision. While the rules may seem complex initially, with practice, you will become more comfortable using these pronouns correctly.





